Sunday, September 13, 2009

Wednesday discussion

Hope you are all are enjoying your Monday off from class. On Wednesday, Kellyn Brown, editor of the Flathead Beacon, will be in class so that you can get the word straight from someone who is still in the trenches, working at an actual newspaper.

As I mentioned, Brown will be talking to you about the newspaper's coverage of the Rehberg/Barkus boat crash. This will be your chance to talk to someone charged with making decisions about what aspects of the story the Beacon reports to its readers, and what it doesn't and why.

For class it would be a good idea to review these stories in the Beacon (and keep an eye out for updates Tuesday night):

Barkus doesn't remember much

Beacon discusses BAC issues

And here is an example of some good reporting from the Missoulian getting the point of view of the campers who first responded to the crash.

If there are heroes in this tragedy, these folks fit the bill.

And it wouldn't hurt to scan the SPJ Code of Ethics, to be found here.

Have a good week. I'll see you on Friday.

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