Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Your first assignment

Take a look at these:

It's hard to believe CNN was once considered a quality news channel

Alanis Morissette isn't the only one who doesn't get irony

Now, log in and post that your name so I know you're able to do so. We'll have assignments requiring posts in the future.


  1. My name is Danielle de Leon. Well, it's exciting to see that The Daily Show is involved in the first "assignment."

  2. My name is Steve Gray. I'm quite excited to see "The Daily Show" as well in our assignment. Hopefully this will continue.

  3. Hi, my name is Shelby Scoggins. Also excited for this class to get started :)

  4. Hello my name is Jimmy Dunnigan. Love the fact that "The Daily Show" is our classwork. Also very excited for this class!

  5. Hello my name is Sarah Hafen. I am very interested in this course, and cant wait to get started, it will be very good to learn about the way media functions. I am interested in all the ways that it influences are society.

  6. Hi, my name is Brad Phelps. This class should be fun. Looking forward to learning all the fresh new ways people make fun of each other for the entertainment of everyone watching.

  7. Hello, my name is Katalin Thompson. I am excited for this course as well. I love that we started off with the Daily Show! I also love that the CNN clip was chosen to start because this is a frustration I have a lot with the "news" on television anymore. Very entertaining clips, I can't wait to see and learn more over the semester.

  8. Hey, I'm Kiera Roberson. Great video clips to start off with. I've never seen that show before, it's quite entertaining.

  9. Hello all my name is Kelsi Chambers and I am very happy this website is actually letting me post! yay it's working for me now! :)

  10. Hello, my name is Zachary Frazee. I am very interested in taking this class. Very interesting video clips, especially the CNN one.
