Monday, March 12, 2012

Midterm week

No quiz this week. Instead, it's midterm week. I'll start by opening the floor to all of you. If you have any questions regarding the midterm or things you'd like me to review before the exam opens Friday, please post them here.

BTW, remember there will not be a chapter or quiz next week either as your Long Tail paper will be due a week from Friday.

And if you haven't posted your favorite film yet, here's your chance.

Quizzes are open until Friday if you need to make one up.


  1. Will the midterm be on chapter 1-6 and the corresponding powerpoints

  2. Yes, the midterm is on 1-6.

    Here's a Long Tail question. One of you asked for a little clarification on the first question in the writing assignment. The first question asks how the declining cost of computer storage space has declined, how has this affected digital music distribution.

    What I'm getting at here is that in a digital distribution system, computer memory is a little like the the bins at the record store I worked at, but with a significant difference. Once we ran out of display space we could not add additional titles to our selection. To add more shelf space would have required us to expand the building, and that would have been costly.

    Now compare that to when Apple decides to add to the selection of music it offers. Do they have to expand the size of their store? No. They just need to make sure they have enough server space to add the new song. What does a digital music distributor have to do when they run out "room" for more titles, and how does the cost of adding that room affect the decision Apple makes when it adds a new song?

  3. which format would you like the long tail paper written in ?

  4. If you'd like, you can write it in essay format with an introduction, the body (where you address the five questions I asked) and a conclusion. I'm not looking for formal research paper style. I used to ask students to write it as a news feature in AP style, but we don't work on that in class in the online format.
