Sunday, October 16, 2011

So digital didn't kill the music star

I think that as a group you have zeroed in on an important point: music isn't dead because of change, music is changed because of change. I'll admit a certain nostalgia for the old 12-inch vinyl package, but I still listen to music and I haven't bought one of those relics in nearly 30 years. I didn't care for aspects of the change from vinyl to CDs, but I did get that the practicality of the format made it a superior product.

So music has changed. Bon Jovi is probably being an alarmist, or at least a sentimentalist pining for the memories of youth. Interesting in that we had another reading assignment this week that described Steve Jobs as the enemy of nostalgia, which was part of his genius. I remember when the first iMac came out and it didn't have a floppy disc drive. People freaked out. Now they are making Macs that don't include a disc drive and iTunes may soon give way to iCloud.

Nice work this week. I'm going hunting in the morning and I will mull over a discussion point for the week based on "Catching Hell." I'll post tomorrow evening.

BTW, Molly gets extra credit for slipping in that Buggles reference. Click here for a look at the first music video ever played on MTV. Sorry for the annoying message that pops up at the start of the song. Just hit the play arrow and it goes away. Watching that video makes my a tad nostalgic the early 80s, when I was a young college boy working in a record store. But most of those memories wouldn't be appropriate for serious academic discourse.

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