Wednesday, September 29, 2010

No quiz this week

I'm going to delay the Sound Media quiz until next Friday, Oct. 8. That will slow our progress down a little bit, but hopefully will give you extra time to work on your Kindle papers. I also want to have a discussion about some music videos that I will share next week. So you get an extra week to get up to speed on Sound Media, and we'll watch so cool music videos and discuss next week.

P.S. If you've missed a quiz, or two, don't just let it slide (unless your goal is to fail the class). Contact me via e-mail and we'll see if a make-up is appropriate.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Quiz this week

I had a question about the quiz. We are moving on to Sound Media this week, so there are two PowerPoints on the recording industry and radio.

I have been in touch with tech support about the quiz score issue. However, the guy I work with is out on maternity leave. He should be able to help working from the hospital and I hope to get this resolved this week.

There was a trick question on last week's quiz. It is the Rocky Mountain News, not Herald, that closed its doors. The correct answer is the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. However, on further review I think the question is a little misleading as the P-I didn't really close its doors, it just ceased print publication. It is still available online. I'll review those scores and give credit for those of you who missed that question.

Looking back on my notes I think you have enough direction on what I'm looking for in the Kindle paper. I still may post some additional reference material for you to consider. If you feel as though you need more direction from me on the paper, let me know on the blog and I will respond.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

New quiz ready Friday

I hope you don't mind that I didn't add a reading assignment this week. I was sick most of last week and I'm just getting caught up. I won't give you an online assignment next week either. You should, however, be looking here this weekend for more direction on our Kindle writing assignment.

Since I haven't heard anything since the last quiz, I'm assuming you are able to get your score when you complete the quiz and know where you stand. I'm still trying to correct the program so you can see your grades as they are compiled.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

New quiz available Friday

The Chapter 2 quiz is ready to go at midnight. I didn't add any questions from the reading as I suggested. Just 10 questions from the chapter.

I'm looking into the issue of having the system report your grade to you. Is it at least telling you how many you get right? That's the key? Nine or 10 right is an A, eight is a B, seven is a C, etc. They will all be totaled and averaged in the end.

Good luck!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

When a Fringe Figure Becomes News

Take a look at this interesting conversation about the media coverage of the Koran-burning controversy. Post a comment by 8 p.m. Friday for a grade. Granted, this isn't exactly on topic for Chapter 2, but this debate about how the media covers the news is happening now. Our class blog is more flexible than our text book. Lets take advantage of that.

Also, unless I hear some strenuous objection, I'm thinking I'd like to delay the deadline for your Kindle paper for a couple weeks, until say Oct. 8. I'm going to assume that's a popular decision unless I hear otherwise.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Quiz, paper and assignments to come

The good news is that the quiz last Friday seemed to work, and everyone did just fine as well. Scores ranged from seven correct to nine. We'll have a quiz of 10 questions every Friday, as we finish each unit.

One of you asked for more direction on the Kindle paper, which is due Sept. 30. As mentioned in the syllabus, the paper needs to be 1,000 words (or more). One thousand words is about 2 1/2 to three pages, double spaced.

The paper should focus on the future of books. Does Kindle, or other ebooks, represent the future of reading, or will there always be a place for ink-on-paper books? Will the Guy Montag's of the future have actual paper books to burn when the dystopian police state decides it needs a mechanism to both pacify the public and control its access to information? Or will the state simply be able to transmit a virus via the Internet to everyone's ebook, scrubbing the text of all subversive ideas?

Feel free to ignore that pessimistic comment on the future. I'm not that pessimistic, actually. But I've still got Fahrenheit 451 on my mind due to my daughter's summer reading assignment. What I'm really looking for you to do is discuss the future of books. Will ebooks replace the printed page, or is there some shared role for the two formats to coexist in the future? I'd like to reference at least four sources, and two can be the articles I asked you to read in the initial Kindle post.

Interesting thoughts on the Daily Show clip about the way Fox presents the "news." One of you mentioned that all the shows do this to one degree or another. In fact, all journalists do this to a certain degree, choosing for instance which quote makes it into the story and which get the delete button. There is the question of whether any other network does its quite so brazenly as Fox. I'm not aware of any examples that bad, but if you know of some please share.

Look for another reading assignment from me by Wednesday. I'll be requiring responses from all of you, and expect a question or two from the reading to show up on the Friday quiz.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Quiz ready to go at midnight

The chapter 1 quiz has been created and the 24-hour window in which you can take it begins tonight at midnight. You will have until midnight on Friday to take the quiz. It's 10 questions and once you start the quiz you'll have 20 minutes to complete it. Good luck. I'm looking forward to seeing your scores. I'm expecting nothing but 10's.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Getting ready for the quiz

Kelly, you've covered the basics for the quiz.

Are there any examples of the media manipulating its audience? Take a look at this clip from the Daily Show: (You may want to skip over the crude Tosh.0 promo before the clip)

What should we make of Fox News demonizing one of the funders of the so-called Ground Zero Mosque when that person is also a partner with Rubert Murdoch in News Corp, the parent company of Fox News? Is Fox manipulating its audience?

Quiz on Friday

We will have a quiz on chapter 1 this Friday. My goal is to have the quiz available from 12:01 a.m. Friday until midnight. However, once you log in there will be a time limit. This is my first online quiz of any kind, but hopefully I'll get it posted properly and there won't be any glitches.

Review the Chapter 1 PowerPoint and your textbook to prepare.

Nice job on the Kindle blog post. Many interesting points were raised. I think the discussion took a somewhat unexpected turn toward the impact technology has on our humanity. Is there a truth that can only be found during your fourth day at elk camp, but is completely inaccessible via your Blackberry or iPad? Maybe.