Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Quiz this week

I had a question about the quiz. We are moving on to Sound Media this week, so there are two PowerPoints on the recording industry and radio.

I have been in touch with tech support about the quiz score issue. However, the guy I work with is out on maternity leave. He should be able to help working from the hospital and I hope to get this resolved this week.

There was a trick question on last week's quiz. It is the Rocky Mountain News, not Herald, that closed its doors. The correct answer is the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. However, on further review I think the question is a little misleading as the P-I didn't really close its doors, it just ceased print publication. It is still available online. I'll review those scores and give credit for those of you who missed that question.

Looking back on my notes I think you have enough direction on what I'm looking for in the Kindle paper. I still may post some additional reference material for you to consider. If you feel as though you need more direction from me on the paper, let me know on the blog and I will respond.

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