Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Getting ready for the quiz

Kelly, you've covered the basics for the quiz.

Are there any examples of the media manipulating its audience? Take a look at this clip from the Daily Show: (You may want to skip over the crude Tosh.0 promo before the clip)

What should we make of Fox News demonizing one of the funders of the so-called Ground Zero Mosque when that person is also a partner with Rubert Murdoch in News Corp, the parent company of Fox News? Is Fox manipulating its audience?


  1. Terror-Funder.. NOOOO!!!And yet, Rupert Murdock takes money from this man. A partner, no less. I have always felt that Fox news was extremely slanted. I often wonder why so many other people (some smart people) dont see that!What say you, young-ones?

  2. Manipulating? I would say that much is a given, I don't think I have ever known a time where that was not the goal of cable news. Fox seems to me to be one of the worst, that said the others are hardly blameless in all of this. Fox is jut better at it and have a consolidated viewer base.

  3. Well I watched the clip and I will go with "stupid", as opposed to "evil", on the subject of demonizing. It seems it was only a matter of time until someone pointed out the dirt. As far as manipulating the audience, I am sure there is an abundance of viewers out there that continuously forget to buy salt at the store before they watch their daily dose of Fox News. There's always an audience out there to manipulate, I guess.

  4. I agree that "There's always an audience to manipulate". I think that there's an alarming number of Americans who wouldn't fathom that their local newscaster (or national newscaster) would give them partial or manipulated truths. I'll venture to say that although deep down they know its not true, plenty of people feel that national news stations are government-mandated to be explicitly honest. If anyone ever interrupted the evening news and announced, "Hey, America! Did you know that these guys only broadcast whatever makes them the most money?", the few seconds of national silence would put any memorial to shame.
    Overall, I think it's sad that clips like these show how manipulative our information can be, but I think it's sadder that most of us buy it.

  5. I haven't trusted a newscaster since Ron Burgundy.
