Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Can you see your quiz scores now?

I hope we have this issue resolved. Check to see if you can see your quiz scores. If yes, or no for that matter, post to let me know the result.

In the meantime, here's a short, short story, by Tobias Wolff I really like. The link takes you to a Seattle Post-Intelligencer blog post. Don't read the blog post, just click on the "Bullet in the Brain" link in the first sentence of the blog. That takes you to a PDF of the story. And I do mean short, its only four pages. But it is very good.

Sorry, there are a couple typos in the PDF file. You'll need to buy the book and load it onto your Kindle if you want to read a mistake-free version.


  1. Yes it works now, kind of. Can at least learn what % we are getting by hitting submissions under the quiz tab

  2. Yay~ Quiz scores are available. Thanks instructor. Is it possible to get some feedback on which questions I missed at some point? Also which quiz this week? Thanks..

  3. Also, is there any way I can make up for a lousy score on a quiz?

  4. Yes, I can see mine,too. BUT I'm with Kelly, on making up bad scores.

  5. Great story, I have yet to check mine, though til i make up quizes i missed....back to the story. I enjoyed it, funny how the critic was critical of every aspect of his life and his family even in death was he critacal of someone. Tragic right? its almost like he asked for the bullet because he was so unhappy and unfulfiled due to his criticallity. everything he was critical about was something he didnt want to see in himself or something he had been guilty of. i like the story lay out its like your there watching it happen, the details and sureal charactors. in a sarcastic veiw of life he fired the gun as if the bulet was of self infliction.

  6. Re: Short story~Where do you find these treasures?

  7. The guy was basically, in a nut shell killed by criticism. Literally. Who's? His own.

  8. This was an interesting story. I like how he continues to analyze everything as if it's not really happening and doesn't have any fear whatsoever about the whole matter. The way he finds humor in everything the gunman is saying makes the story amusing as if you could relate to what he points out as humorous. Also- The quiz scores showed up and there should be three quizzes that we have been scored on, correct? I'm still in the dark a little bit as to my Kindle paper because I couldn't figure out how to post it, so I emailed it to you. Was that okay?

  9. This was a strange one for me. This last summer when my little sister’s best friend of 30 years shot herself, you always wonder what she was thinking. Was she thinking about what she had just done, was she just thinking random thoughts or was she thinking anything at all. It’s interesting to read what someone else might have been thinking. I hate that people get to a place in their lives that this is even an option.
