Thursday, October 21, 2010

New quiz ready/Midterm exam next week

The Chapter 6 Motion Media quiz is now available. I set it up so you have until midnight Monday to complete it.

This will be our last unit before the midterm. Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 will be covered on the midterm. I'll post some review items next week. The exam will be multiple choice. It will be available Friday.


  1. Hi Rob..Any grades yet on our Kindle papers? Oh yes, and regarding my Question(1) on quiz # 5, I read indies w/ 28.4 % as being companies with the largest percentage. I guess I may have read the Q and/or answers wrong. Sometimes I do that. :)
    Have a good weekend.

  2. Yes, I was wondering about the Kindle paper grade also.

  3. I'm still working on the Kindle papers. Sorry, I'm slow.

  4. Hi Teacher~ It is Tuesday PM and I am becoming concerned about our Mid term test on Friday. I have my notes and book, but not knowing what questions I have missed on previous quizzes has me a bit worried about this exam. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. KD

  5. A) Give me feed-back on quizzes.
    b) Give me grades on papers in a timely fashion( 3 weeks for 8 students is too long~you know should know better..)
    C) You are probably a smart man, who could really teach me something if he tried...
    D) Plaese do.

  6. Just to follow up, Kelly may have missed my e-mail replies yesterday. But I wanted to share with all of you that I am looking into the quiz situation, but right now even I can't access your quizzes to see which questions you answered correctly or incorrectly. It may be an issue with the D2L system, or it may be something I'm doing wrong. As soon as I know I will let you know.

    We're hitting that stressful time in the semester. Sorry about your papers. Let me know if you CANNOT pick up your graded papers at FVCC and I can mail them to you.

    I'm working on the test tonight and will make it available as soon as it is ready. It's a fairly labor-intensive process as I have to cut-and-paste each question and answer into the system individually. It usually takes 30 to 45 minutes to set up a 10-question quiz, so an exam will takes some time.

    I’ll post a blog notice as soon as the mid-term is available.

  7. I apologize for my profanity. It is never the best way to make a point.I am finding this online format frustrating, and this is unfortunate as I have to use it for the rest my degree.
    Note to self and others: Don't drink and blog!

  8. I went on another elk hunting trip and missed the chapter 6 test, can I please take it? The hunting was awesome we all tagged out. The camping in 6 inches of snow, well, that's another story!! Also if you wouldn't mind sending me my kindle paper grade that would be great. Thanks:)

  9. Hello- I haven't received the email replies either. So, I took the exam feeling a bit lost as to any other information that I might need to know. Luckily I got a decent grade so I'm not too worried about it anymore. My current email address is so any class information can be sent there. Thank you
