Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Quiz this Friday?

I have some help (finally) to get the quizzes set up properly so that you can see your grades and monitor your progress. Assuming all goes well, the quiz on Sound Media will be available on Friday.

Some of you have asked to make up quizzes you missed. I'm looking into that as well and expect to have an answer this week.

In the meantime, this evening I will post a discussion topic focusing on the messages communicated in music videos. I'll post some of my all time faves to get the ball rolling. I'd like all of you to think about some of your favorite videos to share with the class. If you haven't done this before, just go to www.youtube.com and type in the name of your favorite song. You'll find just about anything on youtube.

1 comment:

  1. i am back on track, got my essay done, how do i submit it? also i havent received my make up quizes. thats all on this
