Friday, October 15, 2010

Quiz ready

The Sound Media quiz is up and running. You have until midnight Wednesday to complete it. I think I have it set up so that you can see your answers, right or wrong, after you submit your work.

I have also opened up the three previous quizzes for those of you who have not completed them. This is a one shot amnesty deal, so if you've been slacking now is your time to make amends. You'll have until Wednesday to complete those as well.

Look for the next quiz on Motion Media Thursday.



  1. I'm having a hard time getting into the quiz that was reopened - it says I've been granted special access, but when I click on it I get a "quiz date expired" message and can't retake it. Am I the only one??

  2. I just took sound media test~ (Thank God that one's over with). I received my score, which is great news, but I have an issue with Q. #1. I noticed the book and the Power point don't jive, so I went with the PowerPoint and got it wrong. Because the test is still open, I wont be more specific than that, but would like to explain my answer in this forum , at a later time. Any grades on our papers yet?

  3. Kelly, I'll take a look at the question and let you know.

  4. I corrected the problem with quiz No. 4 as well. If any of you are having the problem Megan cited, it should now be fixed.
