Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mass Media messages

Here's an example of Mass Communication that I encountered this morning while I was in the FVCC campus - an electronic message board in the Arts and Technology Building. Chapter 1 discusses Mass Media ubiquity, meaning we are surrounded by mass media messages in all aspects of our life. Here's a relatively simple assignment: post a response describing an example of when you encountered a mass media message in the last 24 hours, the more unexpected the better. I'd like everyone to post their response by 6 p.m. Thursday. Thoughtful replies to posts by other students will earn extra credit.

Also, the Chapter 1 quiz will become available today at 6 p.m. and remain available until midnight Friday. In a previous post I mentioned that we will deal with the economic issues addressed in your text book when we discuss chapter 3, but there is one question on the quiz regarding advertising revenue, so make sure you've read those pages before you take the quiz. Good luck.


  1. Today I had to go to the bathroom while at FVCC. I stepped into the stall and sat down and right before my eyes was a great example of mass media, the Privy Press! It gave information about upcoming events and fun things going on at FVCC.

    Angela Allen

  2. I'm in Running Start, so I go to Whitefish High and take FVCC classes at the same time. I was in high school today and we were using the computer lab. I opened the internet and started doing some research when ads - many glowing, flashing, "you've won a laptop", obnoxious ads - popped up on the screen right in my face. I have an ad-blocker at home, so this was quite a shocker! Oh, how I loathe the school computers, with their Internet-Explorer-only policy and their ban on anything downloaded (i.e. ad-blockers). I think it's really sad that people actually believe they can win vacations and cars from these ads. Needless to say, though, this form of Mass Media does not work on me. On the other hand, Angela, the Privy Press sure does work on me! I have every new issue emailed to me, and it has made me aware of things I would not otherwise have known.

  3. I received an e-mail from a Nigerian princess yesterday. She is going to send me $2 million once I give her my Social Security and checking account numbers. Sorry to say this students, but I soon will be rich so I don't think I'll bother to finish out the semester. Maybe FVCC will be able to find a long-term sub.:)

  4. Being an avid soccer fan and player I buy my cleats from a website and have them shipped to me from sweatshops in China... because thats where they are all made... And weekly this website sends me emails about how there are new cleats that i just need to spend 200 more dollars on so i can be at the top of my game. Now unforunatly i dont have 200 extra dollars a week for these cleats... I am currently accepting donations!

  5. Wow, lucky you! You are going to have a great life of luxury. Just think of all the servants and cooks and oh yeah...IDENTITY THEFT, STOLEN CREDIT/DEBIT CARDS and SAVINGS ACCOUNTS! What a funny email, you would think that by now these scammers would be better!

    Angela Allen

  6. An unexpected mass media message that I received today was a pamphlet left by a customer at my place of employment which loudly proclaimed, "Jesus Saves!". It was a 22 page miniature comic-book style booklet from the Grace Baptist Church. It began with a depiction of what the author is convinced your life is like before finding this church, and proceeds to use bible verses and dramatic graphics in an attempt to convince you how much better your life will be now that you have found the church. It also noted a web address, which again contained more mass media messages and propaganda regarding this church.

  7. Well, I feel like an idiot because it took me until just a few minutes ago to figure out how this class works. I suppose I could have asked someone, but anyhow, I saw a commercial on the internet while I was trying to watch a video on YouTube. It was apart of the Above the Influence campaign and it showed a girl and her dog. Her dog was talking to her about how he wished she didn't get high because she wasn't the same and he missed his friend. It made me sad because my dog is my best friend and It would make me heartsick if I ever let him down. Of course the commercial conjured the intended response out of me because I can relate to the relationship. Mass media is always more effective when it tugs at your emotions.

    Meg Calvert

  8. Laramie Groats

    Man I hate things like that. Maybe it's because I have had too many encounters with pushy bible thumpers but I always assume the intent is extremely overbearing and bias persuasion rather than a caring coax towards religious exploration. Mind you, I have the utmost respect for individuals who practice religion as long as they respect my views as well. I suppose I am much more apt to listen to someone's preachings if they are expressed with compassion. The comic-book you found sounds to me like it wreaked of forwardness and dramatization. Like perhaps joining that church is the only way to fix all your problems.......I hope that made sense and it wasn't just me babbling.

    Meg Calvert

    Meg Calvert

  9. Yesterday I made a trip to Blacktail Grocery, in Lakeside, to pick up a six pack of my favorite Mexican beer. I had already read the post for this assignment so I was on the lookout for some amusing mass media. On my way out of the store, I noticed the huge bulletin board in the vestibule. It was completely littered with ads for dance productions, restaurants and real estate agents. My favorite by far was a home printed page with a big grey truck pictured on it. The truck was for sale ($3,500 if your interested) and the ad contained all of the pertinent information. The best part was the dozen or so little tear-offs at the bottom with owner's contact information on it. Not to sound like a snob, but it seemed so quaint to me. That was what we did as kids at the local mail boxes in order to advertise our lawn mowing prowess, and hopefully to get some free lemonade and snacks while providing our services. Anyhow, as simple as it was, at least a few people were interested as several of the little tear-offs were missing.

  10. Angela,

    I love that you posted about the PP being in the bathrooms at the college. At home, I never think it odd to sit down and read while, ahem, using the john. But, for some reason I always found it audacious that people would assume that it was appropriate to market/communicate/etc. to the masses in the most private of moments. However, you are totally spot on... not only is it amusing; you can find out everything you need to know about what's going on at FVCC!

  11. Laramie,
    Thanks for the input on the Bible tracts, somehow I never thought of that as mass media (advertising)!

  12. Until now a not so obvious mass media advertisement, the hand bills I receive with my utility bills. Phone bill and light bill always promoting something! Everything from life insurance to the the newest discounts and technology ( you must purchase each of course). Hmmm, think I will try sending in my business card with my next payment. Small mass marketing (?), by the time it goes through all the departments, if indeed it does.

  13. As a recreational video gamer it's been interesting to see the rapid incursion of advertising into video games. In the late 90's advertising in games was hardly present, but early after the new millennium the concept exploded. Very few video games today are left without advertisements for real world products in them. Racing games were one of the first and most popular to place advertisements in. Driving along a track in Need for Speed, the guard rails and billboards are littered with ads for clothing brands and automotive companies. Beyond those kind of ads that you would see in real life on the road, even the car parts you can purchase to modify your virtual car are branded with real world names like Sparco, Enkei, Brembo, and Edelbrock. The real kicker however, is when they advertise for another game within a game!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I'm sorry to say that after providing the requested information to the Nigerian Princess she promptly cleaned out my bank account (that won't take her very far) and maxed out all my credit cards. Who could have guessed this wasn't an honest attempt to liberate millions from the Africa? Anyway, since I'm now broke I guess you're all are stuck with me for the rest of the semester.

    On the good news front, you all did a great job with this assignment. I am impressed with the thought and detail you put into your replies to my post. It's quite interesting once you start thinking about it to consider the fog of messages we are surrounded with all day long. It really does take some concerted effort to be mass media free for even a short time.

    Give the quiz your best shot. If you have trouble with it for some reason, content or just the technology, don't worry. We can sort it out next week. I did want to warn all of you that I will be out of touch through Tuesday. My kids are playing soccer out of town and I understand there are some trout that need catching on the Missouri River. So if there is a problem between now and then don't worry, we will sort it out next week.

    Speaking of soccer, we get overloaded with advertising in the world of futbol as most pro sides sport "sponsor" logos on their shirts. We were asked to wear something from our favorite sports team at FVCC today, and I wore my FC Barcelona shirt. At least Barca donates the team's shirt to a good cause. On the front of my blue and red Barca shirt is the logo for Unicef.

    The best news of the day? Megatron figured out the class. Now if we can get her to explain it to the rest of us we will be in good shape. Have a good weekend folks. Look for a new post on chapter 2, and maybe a fish foto or two from the Missouri, late Monday.

