Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Are modern news organizations replaying the partisan era?

Kind of interesting. Keith Olbermann of MSNBC gets suspended indefinitely and then returns to work a few days later for making campaign donations to a trio of Democratic candidates just before the Nov. 2 elections.

I like Olbermann, but he has been a harsh critic of Fox News and many of the channel's hosts for doing exactly the same thing.

This critic thinks Olbermann made a mistake.

If you're not familiar with the story, here's some background.


  1. Shame on you, Keith Olbermann! Not so much that you gave $$ to your candidates, you could have got permission for that, but to do so on the same day..( right before?).. you interviewed the candidate on your show. What were you thinking?
    I don't think the news media is falling back into the partisan era of the late 1700's, I think the lines of ethics are becoming more blurred in these desperate times. Also~He,like myself,may be terrified of Rand Paul.Those people scare me!

  2. I think regardless of political afiliations, private citizens can do as they wish, with in the rules. a figure such as Keith Olbermann is no acception and MSNBC should hold their ancor according to the policys and proceedures of the company. he could have made the same contrabutions within the rules. there is contraversy as to who did what on which station,we do live in a free country after all. but the fact that he used a second sorce of media for promotion of his donation seems a little questionable to motives. publicity and recongnition? what not getting the fallowing as before the Obama administration crashed the economy? bush may have started it but obama made horible decisions and killed sooo many jobs. ok getting out of the political side. rules are there for a reason.

  3. Good point about the day before, Kelly.

    What about the fact that Olbermann has been one of the harshest critics in the media of the donations Fox News and its staffers have made to political candidates and organizations?

  4. If you cant beat em, join them?
