Monday, November 1, 2010

New Powerpoint review is ready

I have posted a review Powerpoint on Chapter 7, New Media. We will have the usual 10-question quiz on Friday.

Since we got sidetracked by quiz issues earlier in the semester, here's a revised schedule for the remaining weeks.

Nov. 1
Unit 7 – New Media Landscape

Nov. 8
Unit 8 – News

Nov. 15
Unit 9 – Media Economics

Nov. 22
Thanksgiving Week, eat turkey and review

Nov. 29
Unit 10 – Public relations/advertising

Dec. 6
Unit 11 –Ethics and Media Law

Dec. 13
Final review

Also, we have another paper on the syllabus, but I've decided to make that optional. In other words, if you would like to write a longtail paper for extra credit you will have that option. I'll post links for those interested in E.C.

I promised to have papers finished, but I still have a few to go. I'm meeting with tech support in the morning and I hope they will be able to tell me how I can post your grades so only you can see them. If so, I'll let you know on this blog tomorrow.

I will need a little more time to get the hard copies back to you unfortunately.


  1. That is good to know. I am still wondering if you have received my Kindle paper. I have been really concerned about it for a couple weeks now and I went to educational services to see if it's there and it isn't so I'm hoping you're still working on it? Please let me know. Thank you, Jessica

  2. I would be interested in EC. Also did you ever find my motion media quiz #6? I dont see it in DTL quiz history.

  3. I too would be glad for some EC, sounds fab. long week this last week but doing some studying too...thanks for the post on quizes good to know

  4. I have your papers graded and I will post them along with feedback in the D2L system later tonight. I can't get to it until after work this evening.

    I will also post a New Media quiz tonight.
