Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Olbermann takes on his critics

Keith Olbermann responds to his critics here. The link has both the text of his commentary from last night as well as the video.

Here's a link to the Ted Koppel column Olbermann references in his Special Comment.

Can both Koppel and Olbermann be right?


  1. ok so i may be republican infuluenced to a point, and true my dad is big on the old school values and the conservitave parties, i myself tend to lean toward for the people of the people, the decicsions made by politics are what they think will be right for america. so i guess its good for the banking and the other countrys that we support. what happened to take care of your own.

  2. on keith, and the commments from both journalists, i do beleive that people should be entitled to their beliefs and opinions, but news is to just inform not delegate what people think, because i do believe that people are swayed into thinking or fallowing the popular demand and information. we live in a state that has become sick of the popular votes and became a republican run state. who in that idea then has taken our rights away from the forests and the hunting and fishing? who then has taken iniciative to reinste wolfs into the woods to kill the deer? i miss the days i hear about when we werent controlled by politics
