Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New Media review

I've posted a PowerPoint for Chapter 3, Media Economics. We will have a quiz on Friday. It's more about my experiences working for newspapers as it is the content of the textbook. It's my take on some of the things I observed in 15 years in the business.

I hope you find it useful.

P.S. Many of you missed quizzes in the last few weeks. Touch base with me so you can make them up.


  1. Dear BRAVE Teacher: Thank so so much for the stimulating power-point on Media economics. Socialistic elk, indeed! I haven't laughed like that in a long time. I'll bet you are a great teacher, in a classroom setting.
    It must be heartbreaking to be a journalist and see the changes of the last 20 years. And to mention government run anything in this valley is bound to get yourself tarred and feathered.But I appreciate your efforts. I know the government run BBC is a very well done TV news broadcasting entity. Do you really think it is possible to have a government run newspaper maintaining complete freedom of speech? I do, but I have been accused of being idealistic and naive.
    Anyways, thank you for your amusing power-point and open-minded views. There is more blue in this valley than you may know, and we will protect you from the tea-baggers, if nesessary:~)

  2. I was really sick with the flu when I took my mid term and did very poorly, is there any way to retake it and bring up my grade?

  3. I actually think government-sponsored media could work, but it would be tough launch anything like that in this current political/cultural environment. But there are a lot of models such as NPR and BBC already out there that are working on some level. But NPR for instance, was had to bow to political pressure in the past from government regulators. We would need to build a strong firewall to protect news operations from this kind of pressure.

    I think the Dean's perspective that having a fully-functioning news media is kind of like a park, a service we all need and benefit from, is an interesting idea.

    Rebecca, e-mail me at rbreeding@fvcc.edu and we'll consider some options for you.
