Monday, November 15, 2010

Match made in heaven?

Last week it was announced the Newsweek, the venerable ink-on-paper news magazine, was merging with The Daily Beast, an upstart news Web site that has been attracting attention and a number of big-name journalists (including editor Tina Brown). But this writer argues it's a match made for disaster.

I tend to agree.


  1. match made in hell more like it, in regards to how long it will take for both to be banrupt and begging for a bailout. it seems the union was to take the lead on online and to eliminate compition in the same breath, biggest competion means best partner? i forsee alot of law suits and leagalitys in the union to come. the name just screams disaster and chaos

  2. Does The Daily Beast and Newsweek cater to the same audience, or niche? I have visited TDB website a few times (I like it), and will read Newsweek if stuck in an airport, or Drs office for a while. ( I'v found it to be kinda cheeesy lately). However; for many years I subscibed to Time and Rolling Stone magazines. This gave me a complete balance of all the news I needed. If someone is willing to finance this venture, I wish them luck. I'll check it out, if its free...

  3. Well, maybe if they work together it could be a good thing since Newsweek doesn't seem to be doing that great anyway. I also agree with Kelly. The concern for me would be target audiences. If they are both targeting to different groups of people there may be a conflict with someone's favorite magazine becoming their not so favorite magazine. Who knows. We will have to see..
